widgetName = JText::_('VRCDASHTODAYPICKUP'); $this->widgetDescr = JText::_('VRC_W_COLLECTTOD_DESCR'); $this->widgetId = basename(__FILE__); } public function render($data = null) { $vrc_auth_orders = JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.vrc.orders', 'com_vikrentcar'); $today_start_ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y")); $today_end_ts = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y")); $pickup_today = array(); $dbo = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = "SELECT `id`,`custdata`,`status`,`idcar`,`ritiro`,`consegna`,`idplace`,`idreturnplace`,`country`,`nominative`,`reg` FROM `#__vikrentcar_orders` WHERE `ritiro`>=" . $today_start_ts . " AND `ritiro`<=" . $today_end_ts . " ORDER BY `#__vikrentcar_orders`.`ritiro` ASC;"; $dbo->setQuery($q); $dbo->execute(); if ($dbo->getNumRows() > 0) { $pickup_today = $dbo->loadAssocList(); } $tot_arrivals = 0; foreach ($pickup_today as $in_today) { if ($in_today['status'] == 'confirmed') { $tot_arrivals++; } } // render the necessary PHP/JS code for the modal window only once if (!defined('VRC_JMODAL_ORDER_REGISTRATION')) { define('VRC_JMODAL_ORDER_REGISTRATION', 1); echo $this->vrc_app->getJmodalScript(); echo $this->vrc_app->getJmodalHtml('vrc-order-registration', JText::_('VRC_ORDER_REGISTRATION')); } ?>

1 ? $next['nominative'] : VikRentCar::getFirstCustDataField($next['custdata']); $country_flag = ''; if (file_exists(VRC_ADMIN_PATH.DS.'resources'.DS.'countries'.DS.$next['country'].'.png')) { $country_flag = ''; } $status_lbl = ''; if ($next['status'] == 'confirmed') { $status_lbl = ''.JText::_('VRCONFIRMED').''; } elseif ($next['status'] == 'standby') { $status_lbl = ''.JText::_('VRSTANDBY').''; } elseif ($next['status'] == 'cancelled') { $status_lbl = ''.JText::_('VRCANCELLED').''; } ?>
tf, $next['ritiro']); ?> df.' '.$this->tf, $next['consegna']); ?>